The main objective of the Work Package 3 is to provide the tools needed for easing the personal data sharing between different stakeholders and for access manag

D3.1 Self-Sovereign Identity Solution First Release

This technical document presents the final logical architecture that governs the overall design and deliverables production associated with the KRAKEN project.

D2.3 Final KRAKEN architecture

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KRAKEN newsletter #2

In D6.2 “Initial Market Analysis”, we realized a benchmark analysis, with a focus on Healthcare and Educational market, finding that most of the ex

D6.4 Initial exploitation plan and report

The KRAKEN marketplace builds upon and enhances existing technologies developed in two projects; the Streamr and MyHealthMyData (MHMD) projects.

D2.6 Marketplace Technical Specification

The KRAKEN project has adopted an Agile approach based on the SCRUM methodology with periodical sprints.

D2.4 KRAKEN intermediate technical design

This deliverable is part of WP8 – Ethics requirements and aims to comply with the obligation contained therein. It addresses Requirement No.

D8.3 POPD - Requirement No. 5

As an integrated part of the project, the Consortium has involved several external parties to share with them the approach, methodology and results of the enti

D6.9 First Advisory Board