Silvia Gabrielli, Senior Researcher at Digital Health Lab, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)

In Autumn 2021, the first prototype release of the KRAKEN platform has been tested with an initial sample of 15 users to assess its usability, as well as main factors influencing user acceptance and adoption of this digital solution for sharing personal data in the biomedical and education domains.

The evaluation study involved 12 persons representing key target user groups in the Healthcare domain (e.g., researchers, blockchain and big data experts, project managers, legal experts) and 3 students at the Technical University of Graz supporting assessment of the KRAKEN solution for the Education domain.

Some highlights to take into account:

  • 92% of users in the health pilot showed interest in using privacy preserving analytics, as an added value service.
  • 66% of users in the health pilot agreed to use SSI mobile app to authenticate. 
  • 92% of users in the health pilot would find it difficult to define a price for a data product to share.
  • All the participants in the education pilot would prefer non-monetary forms of compensation.

About the methodology, the study protocol involved two evaluation phases:

  • First, participants were invited to individually use the KRAKEN prototype and perform relevant tasks with it (e.g., access the KRAKEN marketplace by using the SSI mobile app, registration of a new account, browsing of data products available, creation and publication of a data product, etc.) to rate usability of the digital solution.
  • The following week, participants were invited to join an online workshop to answer some key questions regarding their preferences, expectations and possible concerns regarding their adoption of data sharing platforms for sharing personal data as data providers or consumers.

Overall, we found a marginal acceptance of the prototype release in terms of usability, as measured by means of the SUS (System Usability Scale): the average score (scale 0-100) was 51.87 for the health domain and 55 for the education domain. This is acceptable for an initial release of the KRAKEN digital solution but needs further improvements to reach a score of at least 68 with the final release planned to be ready and tested in year 2022.

Results from the online workshops with participants showed a good level of trust and interest of users regarding future adoption of the KRAKEN platform for sharing data, strong interest for using its privacy preserving analytics component, as well as for being empowered and supported by the platform’s features in keeping control over the personal data shared (e.g., by deciding which types of parties can access the data, for how long, etc.).

More details on the evaluation study results are presented in D5.7 KRAKEN marketplace testing and first validation report, they were briefly introduced during the KRAKEN sponsored session at EBDVF 2021 on November 29th 2021.

It will also be disseminated by means of a scientific publication in 2022.

Read the full article in the PDF file using the link of attachments provided below. 
