
The KRAKEN project has just launched its first newsletter

The project, which started in December of the pass year 2019, has launched this month its first newsletter to inform the public about the progresses during this first year of the project.

During these first months of life of the project, the team of technicians and experts in privacy and data protection has worked on the definition of the architecture of KRAKEN's platform and has designed a first version of several software components that will be implemented with trust and data infrastructures.

In addition, the communication, dissemination and exploitation team has worked on the first documents and marketing materials that will help to bring the technology and developments of the project closer to the general public, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of data protection and user privacy in an increasingly digital society, and to the scientific and academic public, with the aim of sharing and exchanging knowledge. 

All the public progress of the project can be consulted in the official deliverables and scientific & academic publications that will be published on the project's website.

Don't forget to subscribe to KRAKEN's newsletter to be updated on the latest news of the project!

photo of a smartphone with the text subscribe to the KRAKEN newsletter